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Price Match Guarantee


We are confident that our prices are best within a 40 mile radius of the store, so if you purchase anything from our stock and find the same item marked at a lower price in any other store, within 28 days, we will refund the difference.  

Find the same item selling for less in any shop within a 40 mile radius of the store, and we will refund the difference.

As we would like to ensure we sell our products at the most competitive prices we allow you up to 28 days from the date of purchase to claim the difference back, if the product you bought from us is sold elsewhere at a lower price.

Why are we confident in our pricing?

We regularly check our prices within a 40 mile radius of the store, and if we find another shop selling the same product that is part of our standard offer at a lower price, we will lower our price to match, ensuring all customers can benefit. 

The comparison must be with exactly the same item i.e.: brand, model number, colour, size, credit terms and service package. We expect the competitor’s price to be the shelf price which they display to customers generally, and not a negotiated or special price for individuals (e.g. their store card holders). 

Where a competitor is offering products on a short term promotion we may not have time to check and change our prices, however our Price Match still applies.


We do not price match goods from mail order, internet, warehouse clubs, membership clubs and closing down sales. They are not covered by our Price Match. 

Duty Free Goods and Trade Wholesale Prices are excluded due to Customs & Excise legislation. 

Our Price Match does not cover items purchased from: Boundary Mill Stores or Lincolnshire Co-operative Travel or any items purchased online at